
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


افتراضي Advantages of the religion of Islam,مزايا دين الاسلام ,لماذا الاسلام هو ألأ

Advantages of the religion of Islam,مزايا دين الاسلام ,لماذا الاسلام هو ألأ

Why do Muslims think that their religion is right ? Do they have compelling reasons ?.

Praise be to Allaah Liquid of the Holy Prophet After Greetings Your question seems logical at first sight from someone
who did not enter the religion of Islam, but who practiced
this religion and I believe in what it is and do it know the
amount of grace that is living in it and the shadow of the shadow
of this religion, for many reasons, including

1 - that the Muslim worshiped one god has no partner, has the names of the best and attributes above Vtahdl Muslim de
stination and purpose and trust the Lord and Khalqah and trust
him and ask him to help and victory and support He believes that God
is capable of all things can not be a wife nor born to create the
heavens and the earth is a deadly savior The Creator, who is the one who
knows the intentions and the things that are in the breasts, will make
the slave commit the sin with the injustice of himself or the injustice
of creation because his Lord is familiar with him and he seesHe knows
that his Lord knows the unseen wise Vithag in the selection of his Lord
and of the Lord and did not oppress him and that all judges spend it is
better if absent wisdom slave

2 - The effects of Islamic acts on the same Muslim prayer prayer link
between him and his Lord if he entered Bkhshoa sense of tranquility and
tranquility and comfort because he sheltering to the corner is very God
Almighty and therefore the Prophet of Islam Muhammad peace be upon him

says: We prayed and if his party ordered panic to pray And the impact of
reading the words of the Lord is not compared to the impact of reading
the words of the creature and if the words of some psychiatrists in it
rest and relaxation, what the words of the creation of a psychiatrist.

And if we come to Zakat, which is one of the pillars of Islam,
it is a cleansing of the soul from scarcity and waste, and making use of the generosity and helping the poor and those in need and a reward that will benefit the Day of Resurrection like the rest of the acts of worship. It is not as high and burdensome as the taxes of human beings. No one pursued him. With regard to fasting, abstaining from food and marriage is a worship
of Allaah and a feeling of need for the hungry and the deprived, and a reminder of the grace of the Creator over the creature and reward without consideration. And pilgrimage to the House of God, which was built by Abraham peace be
upon him and the commitment of God and the prayer of the answer and
know the Muslims from the countries of the earth

3 - Islam has ordered all good and forbade all evil and ordered the rest
of the literature and the virtues of ethics such as truth and dream and
patience and tenderness and humility and modesty and to fulfill
the promise and dignity and compassion and justice and courage and
patience and familiarity and conviction and chastity and charity and
tolerance and honesty and thanks to the known and anger, and ordered
the righteousness of parents and the link of the uterus and
relief Almhalhoff And charity to the neighbor and keeping orphan money
and care and mercy of the young and respect for the great and gentle
servants and animals and to minimize the harm of the road and the good
word and amnesty and forgiveness when the ability The Muslim's advice
to his Muslim brother and the needs of Muslims and the sight of
insolvent and altruism and condolences and condolences and people in the
face of people and relief Almlhoff and clinic patient and support the oppressed and gift between the owners and dignified guest and cohabitation of the wife and good spending on children and the disclosure of greeting is peace and permission before entering the house so that the man sees the nakedness of the owners of the house . And if some non-Muslims do some of these things, they do it by the door
of public morals, but they do not hope for reward or reward from God
and no victory and no farmer on the Day of Resurrection.

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

افتراضي رد: Advantages of the religion of Islam,مزايا دين الاسلام ,لماذا الاسلام هو

رد: Advantages of the religion of Islam,مزايا دين الاسلام ,لماذا الاسلام هو

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ام سيف 22

130003 رد: Advantages of the religion of Islam,مزايا دين الاسلام ,لماذا الاسلام هو

رد: Advantages of the religion of Islam,مزايا دين الاسلام ,لماذا الاسلام هو
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : لؤلؤة الحَياة

قد تكوني مهتمة بالمواضيع التالية ايضاً
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى
لماذا اعتنقنا الاسلام واحببناااااااااااااا اااااااه sho_sho المنتدي الاسلامي العام
Advantages of the religion of Islam مريم 2 What is Islam
الرد المبين علي شبهة ملك اليمين في الإسلام الرق في الاسلام بحلم بالفرحة الحملات الدعوية
سماحة الإسلام , تعرفي علي سماحة الاسلام , الاسلام دين السماحة و اليسر لؤلؤة الحَياة العقيدة الإسلامية
الاسلام دين الانبياء جميعا زهره التحرير الحملات الدعوية

الساعة الآن 06:45 AM

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