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افتراضي English love messages 2024, new love messages 2024

English love messages 2024, new love messages 2024
In this topic, i will present some love messages for (wifes& husbands only) .have a nice day.
English love messages 2024, new love messages 2024

* If I could give you one thing in life, I’d give you the ability to see yourself through my eyes, only then would you realize how special you are to me.
* If you were a movie, I’d watch you over and over again.
* In a sea of people, my eyes always search for you.
* What on earth did I think about all the time before you?
* If loving you was a job, I’d be the most deserving, dedicated, and qualified candidate. In fact, I’d even be willing to work for free!
* Your smile is literally the cutest thing I’ve ever seen in my life.
* If someone asked me to describe you in just two words, I’d say “Simply Amazing.”
* You do a million little things that bring to joy to my life.
* I know fairy tales come true because I have you.
* There are only two times that I want to be with you: Now and Forever.
* My six word love story: “I can’t imagine life without you.”
* You have no idea how much my heart races when I see you.
* I love when I catch you looking at me.
* You’re weird…but I like it!
* Your voice is my favorite sound.
* So far, every moment we’ve spent together has been awesome. But I promise you, that the best is yet to come.
* If only you knew how much those little moments with you matter to me.
* Since the time I’ve met you, I cry a little less, laugh a little harder and smile all the more, just because I have you, my life is a better place.
* Every day with you is a wonderful addition to my life’s journey.
* You’re my paradise and I’d happily get stranded on you for a lifetime.
* Just when I think that it is impossible to love you any more than I already do, you prove me wrong.
* You make me forget how to breathe.
* Nobody is perfect, but you’re so close it’s scary
* All I need is you right here.
* • The only time I stupidly smile at my phone is when I get text messages from you.
* What is love? It is what makes your cell phone ring every time I send text messages.
* I always wake up smiling. I think it’s your fault.
* I can’t explain the way you make me feel when I hear your voice or see your face, but I adore it.
* Just had to let you know… loving you is the best thing that happened to me
* Stop making me think about you! I’m busy.
* Cuddling with you would be perfect right now
* If nothing lasts forever, can I be your nothing?
* You make my heart melt!
* I couldn’t ignore you even if I wanted to.
* Thank you for always making me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world
* Next time I hug you, I probably won’t let go for a long time.
* I can't decide if the best part of my day is waking up next to you, or going to sleep with you. Hurry home so I can compare the two again.
* Everyone has their own motivation to get up in the morning and face the day. You are mine.
* Whenever my phone vibrates, I hope you’re the reason for it.
* Come to my dreams if you can. I’ll kiss you there.
* Tonight I’ll fall asleep with you in my heart.
* You will be the last thing I think of before I fall to sleep and first thing to remember when I wake up.
* Everyday I spend with you is the new best day of my life. Can't wait for the morning. Good night
* My days are worth it if I can end them with you by my side. Good night.
* Sleeping is impossible when all I can think about is you. Good night!
* The brightest thing in this world are your eyes when you look at me. I don't want to see stars, but your eyes. Have a good night.
* Before I fall asleep, I always picture what it would feel like to fall asleep in your arms. It’s the best feeling in the world
* I’m in my bed, you’re in your bed. One of us is in the wrong place.
* Every night I love coming back home. Because home is being in your arms. Goodnight.

English love messages 2024, new love messages 2024

English love messages 2024, new love messages 2024


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افتراضي رد: English love messages 2024, new love messages 2024

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