
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل

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افتراضي Scientific Miracles in the Prophetic Sunnah

Scientific Miracles in the Prophetic Sunnah

tueadu al'iisharat aleilmiat alwaridat fi alsanat alnubawiat min 'abraz aldalayil ealaa 'ana mhmdana rasul allah r hu khatum al'anbia' walmursalina; li'an sabaqah aleilmia min qibal 'alf wa'arbaeimiayat sinatin, wafi bayyat bidayiyat la tamlik mafatih aleilm walmuerifati, bial'iidafat 'iilaa amyth yaqtae altariq 'amam alqayilin bi'ana mhmdana rasul allah r qad tlqaa hdha aleilm min buhayrana, 'aw waraqat bin nufila, 'aw min ghayrahima, kama 'anah yuthbt bima la yade mjalaan llshki 'ana almasdar alwahid aldhy 'astafaa minh muhamad rasul allah r taealimuh hu allah jla fi ealah.
al'iiejaz aleilmiu fi alsanat alnubawia
waliltaeamul mae qadiat al'iiejaz aleilmii fi alsunt alnabawiat dawabit yjb 'an taraeaa; minha: aikhtiar al'ahadith almuhtawiat ealaa 'iisharat 'iilaa alkawn wamukuanatih wazuahirihi, waltthbut min maerifat darajat alhadithi, waistibead kl al'ahadith almawdueati, wakadhalak jame al'ahadith alwaridat fi almawdue alwahid; li'ana bedha yufasir bued, wafahm alnas 'aw alnusus alnabawiat wfq dilalat al'alfaz fi allughat alearabiati, wawafaq qawaeidiha, wafahm alnas alnubuiu fi daw' siaqih wamulabasatiha, wafahamih fi nur alquran alkarima; li'an 'ahadith rasul allah r sharihat likitab allahi, wmbyint lidalalat ayatih..[1]. kama 'anah yanbaghi alaa yuawal hadith larasul allah r li'iithbat nazariat eilmiat tahtamil alshka walsawab, walakun yjbu altaeamul faqat mae alhaqayiq aleilmiat althaabitat.
'ahadith fi al'iiejaz aleilmii
hadith alnujum 'aman lilsama'
laqad ja'at alsanat alnabuiat bimajmueat min al'ahadith alsharifat alty tahtawi ealaa kmin min alhaqayiq aleilmiat alty 'athbatha aleilm altajribiu alhadith; minha ealaa sabil almithal ma rawaah 'abu bardatan ean 'abihi, qala: silayna almaghrib mae rasul allah r, thuma qulna: law jalasna hataa nasli maeah aleasha'a. qalan: fajlusna, fakharaj ealayna, fqal:"ma ziltum hahuna?" qulna: ya rasul allaha, salayna maeak almughribu, thuma qulna: nujlis hataa nasli maeak aleasha'a. qala: "'ahsantum" 'aw "'asabtum". qal: frfe rasih 'iilaa alsama' wakan kthyrana mimma yarfae rasih 'iilaa alsama'i, fqal:"alnujum 'amanat lilsama'i, fa'iidha dhahabat alnujum 'ataa alsama' ma tueadu, wa'ana 'amanat l'ashabi, fa'iidha dhahabt 'ataa 'ashabi ma yueaduna, wa'ashabi 'amanat l'umati, fa'iidha dhahab 'ashabi 'ataa 'umati ma yueaduna"[2].
fi hadha alhadith alsharif hqyqt eilmiat 'athbatha aleilm alhadithu, 'alaa wahi dhahab alnujum wainkidariha watmasha, thuma ainfijaruha wazawaluha bthwulha 'iilaa dukhan alsama'.
alnujum alsmawytwnzrana lidakhamat kutal alnujum fa'iinaha tuhymn biquaa jadhbiha ealaa kli ma yadur fi falkiha min kawakiba, wakawaykbati, wa'aqmari, wamudhanabatin, waghayr dhlk min swr almadat, walnujum tartabit fima baynaha bialjadhibiati, wttjmae fi wahadat kuniat 'akbar fa'akbar, murtabitat fima baynaha bialjadhibiat aydana, fa'iidha ainfart eaqd hadhih alquaa ainharat alnujumi, wainharat alsama' aldunya biainhiariha, wa'anhar alkawn klh biainhiar alsama' aldunya, wahuna tatadih raweat altaebir alnubawii alshryf:"alnujum 'amanat lilsama'i, fa'iidha dhahabat alnujum 'ataa alsama' ma tueadu..."[3].
wahdha alhadith alsharif 'iejaz eilmiin wadih, fman 'akhbar rswl allah r bsri ghurayb kuhdha min 'asrar nash'at alkawn watawazunah? wakayf eurif muhamad r alamyu, aldhy yaeish fi 'umat jahilat lm yaqum lilelm fiha rayat hadhih alhaqiqat aleilmiat alkhald?! 'iinah allah aladhi 'awhaa linabih hdha al'amr, fasadiq rasulih r.
hadith khalaq al'iinsan
wamin al'ahadith alnabawiat alty baharat aleulama' ghyr almuslimin fi aleasr alhadithi, wakanat sbbana fi 'iislam eadad la bas bih minhum, qawlah r: "'iina 'ahadakum yujmae fi batn 'umih 'arbaein yawmana, thuma yakun ealaqatan mithl dhalika, thuma yakun mudghatan mithl dhalika..."[4].
yuadih hadith rasul allah r alssabiq 'an khalq al'iinsan ymru bithalath marahilin, wahia: alnutfat, walealqati, walmadghati, taktamil khilal al'arbaein ywmana al'uwlaa min bad' eamaliat al'iikhsabi, walmulahazat aleilmiat aldaqiqat alty tjmmet ladaa aleamilin fi haql eilm al'ujnat albashariat tuakid dhalik.
wakan bed eulama' alhadith qad fahamuu tilk almudat ealaa 'anaha thlath 'adeaf dhalk- 'aya miayat weshryn ywmana- li'anahum fahimuu altaebir b "mithl dhalika" fi nsi alhadith ealaa 'anaha tushyr 'iilaa alfatrat alzamaniat almhdadt bi'arbaein ywmana likuli marhalat min almarahil althalath: alnutfati, walealaqata, walmudghata, wayanfi dhlk alfahm hdyth akhar larasul allah r qal fiha: "'iidha mara bialnutfat thintan wa'arbaeun laylatan baeath allah 'iilayha malakana, fasawaraha, wakhalaq sameaha wabasaraha wajildaha walahmaha waeizamaha..."[5].
washakal almudghat la silatan lah bishakl al'iinsan min qarib 'aw beyd, walakun tabda almudghat fi aiktisab alshakl al'iinsanii bialtadrij fi al'ayam alkhmst alttaliat ltkhllq almdght; 'ay fi alfatrat min alyawm al'arbaein 'iilaa alkhamis wal'arbaein min baed eamaliat al'iikhsabi, wafi alyawm alkhamis wal'arbaein ytmu tkwun al'aeda'u, walhaykal aleazmiu bisurat zahiratin, wtstmru eamaliat alainqisam alkhalawii waltamayuz aldaqiq fi alkhalq baed dhalik.
waqad thabat bialdirasat almustafidat fi majal eilm al'ujnat albashariat 'an hadhih almarahil la tabda 'ilaa mae nihayat marhalat almudghati, 'ay mae nihayat al'usbue alssadis min bad' alhaml (bead thanatayn wa'arbaein laylatan) wabadhulik yuthbit sidq rasul allah r fi alhadithin almadhkurina, wafi kli hadith qalah.
kayf eurif muhamad rasul allah r hadhih aldaqayiq aleilmiat almueqidatu, walmutanahiat aldqat fi khalq aljunin, walati tatarawah 'abeaduha bayn aljuz' min eshrt alaf juz' min almillimtar hataa tasil 'iilaa hawalay eshrt millimtarat faqt?![6].
wahadhah almarahil aljaniniat hataa law nazalat mae alssqt wahi ghariqat fi aldima' ma kan mmknana lil'iinsan 'an yudrkha fdlaan ean ruyatiha, wawasfaha, watasmitiha bi'asmayiha alsahihati, wamin huna kanat taebirat wasaf marahil aljiniyn kama ja' fi alhadith alssabiq min 'awdah jawanib al'iiejaz aleilmii fi sunat rasul allah r, wdlylaan naseana ealaa sidq nubuatuh r.

hadhih bed al'iisharat aleilmiat fi sunat rasul allah r, walmajal la ytase lieard almazid
The scientific references contained in the Prophetic Sunnah are among the most prominent signs that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah
r is the Seal of Prophets and Messengers, because his scientific predecessors are fourteen thousand years old. In a primitive environment that does not have the keys to science and knowledge, in addition to his illiteracy, he interrupts those who say that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah This science has been received from Bihara, or Bin Nofal, or from others, and it proves beyond any doubt that the only source chosen by Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah r His teachings are God's most powerful.

Scientific Miracles in the Prophetic Sunnah

Scientific Miracles in the Prophetic Sunnah
To deal with the issue of scientific miracles in the Sunnah the controls must be taken into account; including: the selection of conversations containing references to the universe and its components and phenomena, and ascertaining the knowledge of the degree of talk, and the exclusion of all the hadiths, as well as the collection of conversations in the same subject; The text or the prophetic texts according to the meanings of the words in the Arabic language, according to their rules, and understanding the prophetic text in the light of its context and circumstances, and its understanding in the light of the Holy Quran; Nor should the Hadith of Allah be revealed to prove a scientific theory that bears doubt and correctness, but must be dealt with only with established scientific facts.

Talks in scientific miracles

Modern stars safety for the sky
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "If we sat down to pray with him . He said: We sat down, and he went out on us, and said: "Are you still here?" We said: O Messenger of God, we prayed with you Morocco, and then we said: sit down to pray with you dinner. He said, "You have done well" or "I have become". He said: "He lifted his head to the sky and he raised a lot of his head to the sky. He said:" The stars are safe for the sky. If the stars go, the sky will come, and I am safe for my companions. If my companions come, they will promise me, and my companions will be safe for my nation. Promising "[2].

In this hadeeth is a scientific fact confirmed by the modern science, namely, the star's departure, oblivion and obliteration, and then its explosion and its disappearance by turning it into the smoke of heaven.

Because of the magnitude of the stars, they are dominated by the forces of attraction to all planets, asteroids, moons, comets and other images. Stars are interconnected with gravity and are grouped into larger and larger cosmic units, The stars collapsed, the stars collapsed, the lower sky collapsed, and the entire universe collapsed with the collapse of the lower heaven. Here is the magnificence of the Prophet's words: "The stars are safe for the sky. If the stars go, the sky will come." [3]

This Hadith is a clear scientific miracle, who told the Messenger of Allah r such a strange secret of the secrets of the creation and balance of the universe? And how did Mohammed know the illiterate, who lives in a ignorant nation where the flag of this eternal scientific truth has not been revealed? It is God who inspired His prophet to this matter, and His Messenger sincerity.

Modern human creation
It is narrated from the hadeeths of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that the non-Muslim scholars were astounded in the modern era, and they were the cause of Islam for a good number of them. He said: "If one of you gathers in his mother's womb for forty days, then he is like that, [4].

The Hadith of the Messenger of Allah (PBUH) shows that the creation of man passes through three stages: the semen, the leech, and the maize, completed during the first forty days of the fertilization process, and the accurate scientific observations collected by the workers in the field of human embryology confirm this.

Some scholars of the hadith understood this period as three times that - ie, one hundred and twenty days - because they understood the term "like that" in the text of the hadeeth as referring to the time limit of 40 days for each of the three stages: semen, , And denies that understanding another interview of the Messenger of God r said: "If passed by the sperm forty-two nights God sent to her a king, and the image, and created her hearing and sight and skin, flesh and bones ..." [5].

The shape of the embryo is not remotely related to human form, but the embryo gradually begins to acquire human form in the next five days to form the embryo; that is, from forty to forty-fifth after the fertilization process. On the forty-fifth day, And the process of cellular division and subtle differentiation in creation continues thereafter.

It has been proven in extensive studies in the field of human embryology that these stages do not begin until the end of the stage of the embryo, ie, at the end of the sixth week of conception (after forty-two nights) and thus prove the truth of the Messenger of Allah r in these two Hadiths,

How did Muhammad, the Messenger of God, know these intricate and precise scientific moments in the creation of the embryo, whose dimensions range from 10,000 parts of a millimeter to only about ten millimeters?

And these embryonic stages even if it came down with the fall and is soaked in blood what was possible for the person to recognize them as well as to see, and described, and named by their correct names, and here were expressions describe the stages of the fetus as stated in the previous talk of the most obvious aspects of scientific miracle in the year of the Messenger of Allah r , And a clear guide to the truth of his prophecy r.

These are some scientific references in the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah r, and the field can not accommodate more

Of them, but confirms beyond any doubt the sincerity of the Prophet Muhammad r as reported by the Lord of Glory.

Scientific Miracles in the Prophetic Sunnah


افتراضي رد: Scientific Miracles in the Prophetic Sunnah

رد: Scientific Miracles in the Prophetic Sunnah
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

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