
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل

3962 5

افتراضي حياة سيدنا يوسف يالانجليزي قصة سيدنا يوسف مترجمة

The Messenger of Allah peace be upon him:

"Noble son of son of Karim Karim Karim Ibn Yusuf bin Yaqub ibn Ishaq ibn Ibrahim."

God has said in the group of prophets and messengers peace be upon them, and God said: (and came to you by Yusuf-based, what you still in doubt even if there comes the Hulk would not you say God is after him as well as a messenger of God is lost prodigal Incredulous) [Forgiver : 34].

Joseph lives with him in the paragraphs:

(A) What was the most prominent historians of his life with peace be upon him the following:

-1, Youssef Ben Yaacov his wife, Rachel, was born in "acres Aram" in Iraq, when his father was when his uncle (Laban), and as his father returned to the Levant - displaced the family of Abraham - was a small event with him. They said: "The age of Jacob was born to him as Joseph (91) years, although the birth of Joseph was to go (251) year after the birth of Abraham.

-2 Mother died when he was young, his aunt and Vkfelth concerned itself with, and when he intensified a little bit to take his father wanted them, and dressed Vdhant the area was then to Abraham and made it under his clothes, and then showed that it was stolen, and I've looked it up from under the clothes Joseph, and asked survival then served a penalty, including manufacturing, this trick Astbakth then, tell his father about the claim.

-3 Yusuf was the darling of his father when his brothers saw Joseph - a young boy - a vision of the cut of his father, his father said to him: (not Tqss vision to your brothers) [Yusuf: 5], and fearing it envy. The bottom line vision: he saw eleven stars and the sun and the moon prostrating themselves before him, he knew it contained the glory of Jacob to Joseph, making his brothers and his parents are subject to his power.

-4 Jealousy of his brothers on his father's taste and preference for them, Vdberoa a plot thrown in the pit, sending a convoy passes and normal result from the well bucket Statements, Joseph suspending him, they took him a slave and a slave to Egypt kaput Vachtrah the police chief, and has occupied a place well earned good creation and sincerity, and honesty and genius. They said: "Joseph and the entry into Egypt can be determined close to the year (1600 BC). M in the reign of King Obabi.

-5 Master and his primary wife Chgvt it, Fraodth himself Fastasm, Vdbert intrigue prison if he did not meet the desire of it, he said: (prison is dearer to God than to call me) [Yusuf: 33].

-6 Gave God knew the term visions, and revealed some of the unseen, then use that to invite the prisoners with him to the Oneness of God, and to the true religion.

-7 Was with him in prison boys: Head waiters King, and the chief baker, and saw each other in a dream, vision and display on Yusuf.

The head waiters King: he considered it pressed wine, Joseph said: come out of prison and return to your business Vtsagi King wine.

The chief baker: he saw that it holds over his head, a dish of bread, and the birds eat from the news, Yusuf told him: that Saisalb and eat the fowl of the head.

Recommended Yousef, head waiter to remind the king.

What has been achieved through the Youssef each of the two men, but that my legs have forgotten the commandment of King Joseph.

-8 Broadcast Joseph in prison for several years, even thought that King's vision fat cows and lean cows and ears of vegetables and other Aliabsat, introduced the vision of witches and priests did not find them an answer, when the legs of the King, remember the advice of Joseph in the prison so he told the King ordering it go to Istftih Joseph in a dream, Joseph was the answer that the country seven years Siotiha Fertilizer then followed by seven years of drought and sterility. Then comes later in Egat in which people and to maximize the pond.

-9 Impressed by the King, including Joseph, verily, to get out of jail, but Joseph wanted to re-investigate his charge before leaving, even if left out completely innocently, re-investigation of King, recognizing women as are yearning for itself. When Joseph came out of that prison, and its proximity to the king and had learned to himself, and make it to the coffers of the ground, like the post office (Ministry of Supply and Trade), and he called the name of King Iolfonh in Egypt according to their ***- ***- ** (Zaphnath Finih), and make it as King over the heads of all Egypt, with the exception of the Holy The first is the king.

-10 Systems Yusuf is the country, conducted the position that all the management is great, is enshrined in the years of love in the fertile Snabulh to face hardship in drought years, came years of drought which prevailed in Egypt and the Levant, by distributing a living just within the organization wise.

-11 Learned his family in the land of the Canaanites, the order in Egypt, delegation of his brothers, but his brother Benjamin to Egypt asking for Mira, because his father - Isaac & Jacob - became anxious after he lost his son Joseph, when he saw peace be upon him knew, and took with them to achieve their family and their father , and Astjer them to talk about Benjamin told him, to them gave He stated Maerthm Vdthm them in the utensils, and assigned to come Bokehm Benjamin in the other, and otherwise it has to Mira, Voteke so.

-12 They told their father what happened to them in Egypt, and contingent on the condition that they Aziz, after strong insistence and charters of God gave it to themselves, are authorized to Jacob peace be upon him to take with them their brother Benjamin.

-13 When they came for Joseph peace be upon him retain them is masterminded by his brother Benjamin with him, to instruct the slaves Idesoa a silver drinking vessel in the left of his brother Benjamin. As Maerthm carried back to their country sent soldiers to search for the lizard king, Fujduha Benjamin left they took him in, and it was great impacts on their hearts, and returned to Joseph begged him and begged him to release the brother, and offered to take the place of one of them, but he refused. Faragawa to their father only advantaged Reuben, and told him the news Clean them worse, and saddened him to lose his eyesight. He told them to return to Egypt and the sensitivity of Joseph and his brother, came back to Egypt will be encouraged and pressed to bless dear to them the release of their brother, and during their conversation with the hitch of Yousef captured gesture in itself, because: (to steal his brother have been stolen by), to the point the incident that had artificially created his aunt when he was young, retained by then.

-14 And a clever knew Joseph himself, they said: (Oink to you Yusuf?!) Said: (I am Joseph and this brother has blessed us!) [Yusuf: 90] said: (Allah, God has your mark on us!) [Yusuf: 91] and sought him for forgiveness and forgiveness than them, he said: (not Tthreyb you today God will forgive you) [Yusuf: 92]. He asked them to come with their parents upon him, and so the children of Israel moved to Egypt, and established and until the time of departure and produce with Moses peace be upon him.

-15 Said: "When Joseph met his father - after separation - Omar Yaqub (130) years, so Omar Yussef that day (39) years, then died after Jacob b (17) years. He lived peace be upon him years (110), and died in Egypt while in and buried there, and then move his remains to the Levant the days of Moses peace be upon them, and was buried in Nablus likely.

They said: "The death of Joseph peace be upon him before the birth of Moses and sixty-four years, and after the birth of Abraham b (361) years. However, such a period is not enough at all to reproduce the Israel built to the amount that Mwrkhuhm said they had reached the days of Moses peace be upon him.

(B) The separation of the Koran story of Joseph with him in the entire surah named in his name,

Has highlighted the example of his unique masterpieces of the human stories guiding the guide, passed in the life of the Messenger reformer.

حياة سيدنا يوسف يالانجليزي قصة سيدنا يوسف مترجمة


افتراضي رد: حياة سيدنا يوسف يالانجليزي قصة سيدنا يوسف مترجمة

يسلمووو حبيبتى موضوع مميز
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ام سيف 22

افتراضي رد: حياة سيدنا يوسف يالانجليزي قصة سيدنا يوسف مترجمة

يسسسسسسسسسسلمو ع الطرح

افتراضي رد: حياة سيدنا يوسف يالانجليزي قصة سيدنا يوسف مترجمة


افتراضي رد: حياة سيدنا يوسف يالانجليزي قصة سيدنا يوسف مترجمة


افتراضي رد: حياة سيدنا يوسف يالانجليزي قصة سيدنا يوسف مترجمة

شكرا حبيبتي
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

قد تكوني مهتمة بالمواضيع التالية ايضاً
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى
يوسف عليه السلام ملك قلبى قصص الانبياء والرسل والصحابه
قصص القرآن الكريم .. حبيبة أبوها القرآن الكريم
موسوعه قصص الانبياء رحيل الحال قصص الانبياء والرسل والصحابه
رضيت بحياتها فارضاها الله الرزان قصص - حكايات - روايات
قصه سيدنا يوسف. جوجل قصص الانبياء والرسل والصحابه

الساعة الآن 10:38 PM

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