
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل


شرح حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as

((السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركآته))
حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as
Prepositions and Conjunctions of Time - before / after / as / as soon as

حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as

Before is used for something that occurs before a certain time. For example

We should finish this exercise before 4.00

I need to buy a present before James comes

Before starting any business, it's a good idea to write a business plan

Note that when a preposition is followed by a verb, the verb ends in ing. So for example

Where did you live before coming to America? Correct

Where did you live before to come to America? Incorrect

حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as

After is used for something that occurs after a certain time. For example

I'll see you after work

Camilla won't be home until after midnight

David got promoted after just two years with the company

حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as
As - Time

As is used when two shorter actions happen together. For example

I dropped my keys as I left my apartment

As is also used when two longer actions happen together.
For example

His health improved as he exercised more

As time went by his English got better

As is also used when an action happens during a background situation

I woke up as the sun was rising

She arrived as you were leaving

حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as
As - Reason

As is often used to show one thing is the cause of another, like the word "because". For example

I'm going to bed early as I have to get up early tomorrow

As we're not busy, let's meet this afternoon for lunch

حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as
As soon as

As soon as is used when something happens immediately after something else. For example

I'll give you a call as soon as I'm finished

As soon as they go out let's eat lunch

We'll send payment as soon as you fax the

signed contract

حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as
فى امان الله

حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : محبة صديقاتها

افتراضي رد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as

رد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : هبه شلبي

افتراضي رد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as

رد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon asرد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon asرد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as رد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon asرد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon asرد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon asرد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon asرد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : ندى ام

افتراضي رد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as

Thank you
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : جويريه

افتراضي رد: حروف الجر والروابط الزمنية :before - after - as - as soon as

thank you
إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

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الساعة الآن 06:18 PM

جميع المشاركات تمثل وجهة نظر كاتبها وليس بالضرورة وجهة نظر الموقع

التسجيل بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل