
الدخول بواسطة حسابك بمواقع التواصل

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افتراضي English Translation of Quran Surat SHAAD 41:88 Translation: Mamdouk Bickth

English Translation of Quran Surat SHAAD 41:88 Translation: Mamdouk Bickth
English Translation of Quran
Translation: Mamdouk Bickthal

English Translation of Quran Surat SHAAD 41:88 Translation: Mamdouk Bickth

In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
And make mention (O Muhammad) of Our bondman Job, when he cried unto his Lord (saying): Lo! the devil doth afflict me with distress and torment.
(And it was said unto him): Strike the ground with thy foot. This (spring) is a cool bath and a refreshing drink.
And We bestowed on him (again) his household and therewith the like thereof, a mercy from Us, and a memorial for men of understanding.
And (it was said unto him): Take in thine hand a branch and smite therewith, and break not thine oath. Lo! We found him steadfast, how excellent a slave! Lo! he was ever turning in repentance (to his Lord).
And make mention of Our bondmen, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, men of parts and vision.
Lo! We purified them with a pure thought, remembrance of the Home (of the Hereafter).
Lo! in Our sight they are verily of the elect, the excellent.
And make mention of Ishmael and Elisha and Dhu’l-Kifl. All are of the chosen.
This is a reminder. And lo! for those who ward off (evil) is a happy journey’s end,
Gardens of Eden, whereof the gates are opened for them,
Wherein, reclining, they call for plenteous fruit and cool drink (that is) therein.
And with them are those of modest gaze, companions.
This it is that ye are promised for the Day of Reckoning.
Lo! this in truth is Our provision, which will never waste away.
This (is for the righteous). And lo! for the transgressors there with be an evil journey’s end,
Hell, where they will burn, an evil resting-place.
Here is a boiling and an ice-cold draught, so let them taste it,
And other (torment) of the kind in pairs (the two extremes)!
Here is an army rushing blindly with you. (Those who are already in the Fire say): No word of welcome for them. Lo! they will roast at the Fire.
They say: Nay, but you (misleaders), for you there is no word of welcome. Ye prepared this for us (by your misleading). Now hapless is the plight.
They say: Our Lord! Whoever did prepare this for us, oh, give him double portion of the Fire!
And they say: What aileth us that we behold not men whom we were wont to count among the wicked ?
Did we take them (wrongly) for a laughing-stock, or have our eyes missed them ?
Lo! that is very truth: the wrangling of the dwellers in the Fire.
Say (unto them, O Muhammad): I am only a warner, and there is no God save Allah, the One, the Absolute,
Lord of the heavens and the earth and all that is between them, the Mighty, the Pardoning.
Say: It is tremendous tidings
Whence ye turn away!
I had no knowledge of the Highest Chiefs when they disputed;
It is revealed unto me only that I may be a plain warner.
When thy Lord said unto the angels: Lo! I am about to create a mortal out of mire,
And when I have fashioned him and breathed into him of My Spirit, then fall down before him prostrate,
The angels fell down prostrate, every one,
Saving Iblis; he was scornful and became one of the disbelievers.
He said: O Iblis! What hindereth thee from falling prostrate before that which I have created with both My hands ? Art thou too proud or art thou of the high exalted ?
He said: I am better than him. Thou createdst me of fire, whilst him Thou didst create of clay.
He said: Go forth from hence, for lo! thou art outcast,
And lo! My curse is on thee till the Day of Judgment.
He said: My Lord! Reprieve me till the day when they are raised.
He said: Lo! thou art of those reprieved
Until the day of the time appointed.
He said: Then, by Thy might, I surely will beguile them every one,
Save Thy single-minded slaves among them.
He said: The Truth is, and the Truth I speak,
That I shall fill hell with thee and with such of them as follow thee, together.
Say (O Muhammad, unto mankind): I ask of you no fee for this, and I am no simulating.
Lo! it is naught else than a reminder for all peoples
And ye will come in time to know the truth thereof.

English Translation of Quran Surat SHAAD 41:88 Translation: Mamdouk Bickth

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : أم أمة الله

افتراضي رد: English Translation of Quran Surat SHAAD 41:88 Translation: Mamdouk Bic

جزاكي الله خيرا حبيبتي

إظهار التوقيع
توقيع : حياه الروح 5

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الساعة الآن 11:23 PM

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